The second biggest news of the week after Bill Gates's retirement was about American Apparel opening a store in Second Life. The store got ink in Forbes, and other mainstream media are sure to follow soon since in-game advertising is suddenly a hot topic.

So, the store is located on the Lerappa sim (that's "apparel" spelled backwards). Two floors, floodlights, a terrace. High ceilings to allow comfortable fly-ins.

Winning over the new consumer is what, Aimee Weber one of the store's creators, does best.

The first floor of the store. Aimee said the Second Life outlet is not an exact replica of any particular store because the real-life layout is not very suitable for the virtual world. Makes sense. The second floor of the store. You can't click on the actual outfit you see on the racks; you need to click on the corresponding displays.

Changing rooms. I think the images on the walls are rotating, but am not sure. Otherwise, this area seems to be more for decoration, that is, you can't touch anything here and buy it.

The screens in the left show a looping video of some dude playing an instrument. The credits say the video is AA's copyright.
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